Leafresh Shampoo 100 ML

    Price: 253


    Leafresh Shampoo 100 ML


    ₹ 253.46 253.46 INR ₹ 253.46 excluding GST 18.0%

    ₹ 253.46 excluding GST 18.0%

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    ₹ 253.46 ₹ 253.46

      Price: 253


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      Leafresh plant shampoo is a growth booster that keeps your plants healthy and fresh. 2 ml of plant shampoo is mixed with water and sprayed to all indoor and outdoor plants. Repeated spraying is more beneficial prolonged results. It keeps the leaf surfaces clear of dust and surface infectants and helps them breathe better, which eventually translates to better plant health.

       How to use :

      Mix 2 ml leafresh per liter of water in a sprey bottel and ahake well . spray on the plant weekly.